Before Candling

Before Candling

Before Candling

The Hatchtrack solution consists of a SQL Server database, software modules, and industrial hardware, such as PCs, barcode scanners and label printers.

Farm label printing

A number of labels can be printed for each farm, house and flock that produces eggs. These labels are usually delivered by the drivers picking up the eggs. Each label contains the required information known beforehand, such as name, address and registration number of the flock. Furthermore, each label contains a unique ID, in text as well as barcode format.

The farmer places one label on each pallet of ungraded eggs and can add the date of lay and the quantity of eggs. 


Farm barcode labels are scanned when the trucks with hatching eggs are unloaded at the hatchery. The first label creates an Egg Purchase Order for that particular farm and house. The information on the delivery form and on the labels, such as date of lay or number of cracks, must now be captured in the Hatchtrack database and the stock of hatching eggs increases.

Before Candling

If no label is available, for example when the egg supplier is not a contracted farmer, a new label can be printed here.

Transfer to setter trolley

The barcode labels are scanned again when eggs are transferred to setter trolleys. The patented Eggs Cargo Identifier (ECI) tag with its unique barcode is linked to specific batches.


Individual trolleys are connected to specific setters and setter positions or sections during setting.